As with Japanese brands, this list would be separated in two categories: the first one is the same car but different brand and the second is the same car of the same brand but wearing a different name. For the latter category, they must be sold in a different dealer network (the practice was stopped until 2006). Cars launched from 1990 and above would be included on the list to avoid a long list. Do take note the year range represents the entire vehicle line (including those of its twins) even if the original model was killed. The list will also include Acura vehicles.
For the straight H badge let us see what vehicles wore different names for one car.
Same car-different brand
Acura TL (1995-2003)-Honda Inspire/Saber
Acura TL |
Honda Accord (seventh generation model, Japan and Europe)/Spirior-Acura TSX
Acura TSX |
Honda Accord (eighth generation model, North America)/Inspire-Proton Perdana (second generation model)
Honda Accord |
Honda Civic |
Honda Civic (eighth generation model)-Acura CSX
Honda Civic |
Honda Civic (ninth generation model)-Acura ILX
Honda Civic |
Honda Concerto-Rover 200/400
Honda Concerto |
Honda Domani/Integra SJ-Acura EL-Isuzu Gemini (1993-2000)-MG ZS-Rover 400/45
Honda Domani |
Honda Integra SJ |
Honda Legend (1990-1995)-Acura Legend-Daewoo Arcadia
Honda Legend |
Honda Legend (1995-2012)-Acura 3.5RL/RL
Honda Legend (2004 model) |
Honda NSX |
Honda Odyssey/Shuttle-Isuzu Oasis
Honda Odyssey |
Honda Vigor/Inspire-Acura Vigor (third generation model)
Honda Vigor |